Introducing Charlottes Playroom

Introducing Katherine from Charlottes Playroom. Where every item is handmade!! From her home in Gawler, South Australia, Katherine hand makes all of her amazing creations.

Find out why Katherine started creating and why she is so passionate about the value of handmade.

Discover Australian Handmade Artisan Charlottes Playroom

Tell us about your creations and your handmade process.

I specialise in hand-crocheting and knitting toys, with a strong preference for natural fibres. For my crochet amigurumi creations, I use cotton because it holds its shape exceptionally well, is durable, and can withstand hours of play. It's also gentle on sensitive skin and perfect for those with allergies. For knitting, I prefer merino wool, alpaca, mohair, and other soft, fuzzy yarns, as they lend a luxurious feel to the items and offer a wonderful stretch, making them ideal for creating doll clothing.

While I don't have a dedicated workspace, I often sit at the family dinner table or couch with my current project and materials haphazardly arranged in a tray. This allows me to easily pick up and put away my work when needed, especially to keep it out of reach of my curious children.

My 4-year-old daughter, Charlotte, is frequently at my side, eagerly asking if she can keep the toy or if I can make a new one to sell.

I regularly take custom orders from people who find me through social media and order from my Madeit store. The most daunting part is sending the final images of my creations to the customer to ensure it's what they wanted. I'm yet to have an unsatisfied customer.

Discover Australian Handmade Artisan Charlottes Playroom

Tell us a bit about your journey to becoming a handmade artist.

I'm a stay-at-home mother of three young daughters and have always had a passion for crafting. My journey as a handmade artist became more serious when I was pregnant with my first daughter. I wanted to create safe, soft, and fun toys for her to play with-something she could safely mouth as a baby.

In mid-2021, I officially launched "Charlotte's Playroom" after selling my first set of four crochet cupcakes to a family friend. From there, I expanded into creating various food items, many of which were claimed by my children. It wasn't until I started crocheting dolls in 2022 that my handmade creations really took off.

I began offering customers a variety of skin tones and hair colours, allowing them to personalise dolls for their loved ones. More recently, I've added a selection of outfits, because what child doesn't love dressing up their dolls?

Discover Australian Handmade Artisan Charlottes Playroom

What is your inspiration or where do you find inspiration?

Inspiration comes from many different places. Sometimes it's a pattern I discover while scrolling through social media, or a particular material or colour palette that catches my eye. More often than not, I create because I find something absolutely adorable and want to bring it to life.

I follow my instincts and let my hands guide me. Interestingly, most people don't realise that knitting and crocheting engage different muscles and have distinct effects on the hands and fingers, which is why I love to switch between the two crafts to keep my work fresh and enjoyable.

Discover Australian Handmade Artisan Charlottes Playroom

Where did you learn your craft?

I can't pinpoint an exact moment when I learned my craft, but I do remember watching my mother crochet and knit when I was young. She taught me the basics, and I often saw my grandma knitting jumpers for grandkids and my nana crocheting granny square blankets for charity. So it was inevitable that I was going to take up some sort of crafting. I've always been drawn to creating things with my hands.

Over the years, I've enjoyed learning new skills, including crochet, knitting, and sewing. I was a frequent visitor at the library, borrowing craft books to improve my techniques and expand my knowledge. To this day, I continue to explore new methods and refine my craft.

Why is handmade artistry so important to you? 

Handmade artistry is important to me because it represents something unique, crafted with care and skill.  Each piece is the result of time, effort, and passion, making it far more meaningful than mass-produced items.

The skills involved are honed over time and are often overlooked by those who don't possess them. Handmade creations hold a special place in people's hearts, whether as cherished gifts for loved ones or as one-of-a-kind treasures that can never be replicated.

Discover Australian Handmade Artisan Charlottes Playroom
Katherine is a much loved member of the Madeit Collective, posting regularly in our Facebook Group ~ The Ultimate Artisan Gift Destination ~ and sharing her new creations as they are released. If you haven't connected with Charlottes Playroom already, make sure you join our FB Group and say hi!
Click here or see below to discover the handmade creations by Charlottes Playroom.
Discover Australian Handmade Artisan Charlottes Playroom

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Shop Charlottes Playroom

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